June 15, 2022

Ozone Data Available to Reconsider NAAQS

In April 2022, EPA released its Draft Policy Assessment for the Reconsideration of Ozone NAAQS. [87 FR 25485] The document is part of a reconsideration of the 2020 decision on the ozone NAAQS and will “bridge the gap” between the scientific and technical information assessed in the 2020 Integrated Science Assessment for Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants (2020 ISA) and any air quality, exposure, and risk analyses available. In essence, it reassesses the policy implications of the 2020 ISA and provides the necessary information to EPA policymakers to decide whether to retain the existing ozone NAAQS. More information on the NAAQS review of ozone is available at Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0279.

The 2022 draft policy assessment is over 1,000 pages, much of which is analysis of the relevant scientific data. Four chapters provide this information:

The draft policy assessment is also being provided to the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), which provides independent advice to EPA on the technical aspects of NAAQS. Though the draft policy assessment states it is appropriate to retain the existing primary and secondary standards, the CASAC previously recommended a lower primary limit. The agency is targeting the end of 2023 to complete decision-making in this ozone NAAQS reconsideration.


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