June 20, 2023

New and Revised Business Machine Surface Coating NSPS

EPA’s new and revised rules for the surface coating of plastic parts for business machines are effective March 27, 2023. [88 FR 18056] These new source performance standards in Part 60, Subparts TTT and TTTa regulate VOC emissions that occur primarily in spray booths but are also present in flash-off areas and curing ovens. The regulations have been finalized as proposed, with the subparts being nearly identical except for applicability, emission standards, and presence of the startup, shutdown, and malfunction (SSM) exemption.

The affected facility for both standards is “each spray booth.” [§§60.720(a) and 60.720a(a)] However, due to §§60.722(b) and 60.722a(b), all VOC emissions caused by coatings applied in the spray booths, regardless of the actual point of discharge into the atmosphere, must be included when determining compliance. Thus, VOC emissions outside of spray booths, such as flash-off areas and curing ovens, must also be factored in, even though those areas are not part of the affected facility. EPA estimates approximately 80% of emissions occur in spray booths, 10% in flash-off areas, and 10% in curing ovens. [88 FR 18059]


The Subpart TTTa emission rate limits are all 1.4 kg of VOCs per liter of coating solids applied regardless of coating operation. [§60.722a(a)]


All other aspects of the two standards, including the affected facilities, definitions, performance testing/compliance demonstrations, approved test methods, and reporting/recordkeeping, are the same. The final rule simplifies the definition of “business machine” to eliminate obsolete SIC codes while keeping examples of what those machines are (i.e., computers, telephones, photocopiers). The rule allows use of not only Method 24 or an EPA-approved alternative for determining the VOC content of each coating, but also ASTM D2369-20, ASTM D2697-22, and ASTM D6093-97 as acceptable alternatives. Finally, electronic reporting of performance test reports, quarterly reports of noncompliance, and semiannual statements of compliance are required via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface accessible via EPA’s Central Data Exchange.


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