July 23, 2024
Disposal of CCRs From Electric Utilities and Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments
On April 17, 2015, EPA established minimum criteria for existing and new coal combustion residual (CCR) landfills and surface impoundments. In August 2018, the Utility Solid Waste Activities Group et al. vs. EPA court decision removed the exemption for inactive surface impoundments at inactive facilities, also called legacy surface impoundments. EPA’s May 2024 final rule responds to that order and establishes requirements for legacy surface impoundments, active CCR management units at active facilities, and inactive CCR facilities with legacy surface impoundments. [89 FR 38950] EPA has also made numerous technical corrections to citations and definitions in the rule.
EPA has finalized the provisions in §257.50(e) specifying that legacy surface impoundments are subject to Part 257, Subpart D. Facilities must follow the existing requirements in the CCR regulations, including:
- Installing a permanent identification marker,
- Compiling a history of construction,
- Periodically assessing hazard potential classification,
- Assessing structural stability,
- Developing emergency action plans,
- Conducting inspections and groundwater monitoring, and
- Meeting closure and post-closure care protocols.
New compliance deadlines are established to give facilities time to incorporate these requirements. [89 FR 39005] CCR management units that closed before the 2015 CCR rule must meet the standards in Part 257, Subpart D. [§257.53, definition of CCR management unit] EPA is also allowing closure to occur in two stages: 1) completing removal and decontamination procedures [§257.102(c)(2)] and 2) completing groundwater remediation in a separate post-closure care period [§257.104(c)(3)]. EPA’s website contains more information on legacy CCR surface impoundments. This rule is effective November 4, 2024.
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