September 13, 2024

Latest e-Manifest Rule Improves Functionality, Incorporates Reports

On July 26, 2024, EPA issued its third e-manifest rule integrating the system with hazardous waste exports, exception reports, discrepancy reports, unmanifested waste reports, and PCB manifesting requirements. [89 FR 60692] The rule becomes effective on January 22, 2025; however, certain provisions do not take effect until December 1, 2025. Among the various technical corrections, significant elements of the rule include:

While the above provisions take effect January 22, 2025, the following provisions will not take effect until December 1, 2025:

All provisions were promulgated under the authority of 1984’s Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments or 2012’s e-Manifest Act. As such, states must adopt the provisions to maintain equivalency with the federal program. EPA will enforce the provisions associated with report submittal and timing until state adoption and authorization. Provisions related to imports/exports, manifest fees, and paper manifest printing specifications are non-authorizable, and EPA remains the sole authority overseeing those standards. [89 FR 60721-60723]


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This document addresses issues of a general nature related to the federal environmental regulations. Persons evaluating specific circumstances dealing with the environmental regulations should review state and local laws and regulations, which may be more stringent than federal requirements. In addition, the assistance of a qualified professional should be enlisted to address any site-specific circumstances.