August 15, 2017

Future Changes to the RCRA Regulations

The Spring 2017 federal agency regulatory agenda is available for review. The following tables summarize EPA’s plans for proposing and finalizing new RCRA hazardous waste regulations.

Rules Announced But Not Yet Proposed

Description of rule


Scheduled date

Disposal of coal combustion residues—supplemental rule



Addition of aerosol cans to the universal waste program



Revisions to the ignitability (D001) characteristic (e.g., updating the flash point test methods, and limiting the alcohol-content exclusion to beverages with <24% alcohol content and latex paints)



Revisions to the biennial report



Proposed Rules to Be Finalized

Description of rule


Scheduled date

User-fee schedule for electronic hazardous waste manifests

Final rule


Internet posting of import/export documentation

Final rule


Management standards for hazardous waste pharmaceuticals

Final rule


DND = date not determined; NPRM = notice of proposed rulemaking.

Source: EPA’s latest regulatory agenda. [Select “Spring 2017” and “Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).”]


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