December 18, 2017
Job Functions That Trigger RCRA Training
The RCRA regulations at §262.17(a)(7) for large quantity generators (LQGs) and §§264/265.16 for TSD facilities require that “facility personnel” receive annual RCRA training. That term is further defined in §260.10 as “all persons who work at, or oversee the operations of, a hazardous waste facility, and whose actions or failure to act may result in noncompliance with the requirements of Part 264 or 265….” Although that definition is fairly broad, EPA recently provided more specificity on what job functions trigger this training requirement. In the preamble to the November 28, 2016 generator improvements rule, the agency noted that the following areas of hazardous waste management should trigger RCRA training:
- Completing and/or signing hazardous waste manifests;
- Managing hazardous waste in areas where they are accumulated;
- Maintaining hazardous waste inventories;
- Conducting daily or weekly inspections of hazardous waste accumulation areas; and
- Planning or responding to emergencies that involve hazardous waste. [81 FR 85797]
Although the guidance was specifically about LQGs, it may also provide some useful information to small quantity generators (SQGs). The training requirements for SQGs at §262.16(b)(9)(iii) are less prescriptive, but still focus on an employee’s job “responsibilities during normal facility operations and emergencies.” Thus, these types of job functions may help SQGs determine who should receive annual training.
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