March 10, 2021

EPA Releases 2019 Biennial Report Results

The 2019 biennial report (BR) results are now available and include multiple ways to search the data. The summary page allows users to search based on state, territory, EPA region, or the national total. Navigating to additional pages allows the data to be accessed by industry (NAICS code), management methods, and hazardous waste type and properties. BR data are also available for individual sites managing hazardous waste. Data for sites that are recycling hazardous waste, as well as the quantity of hazardous waste recycled nationally and in each state, are also available.

Nationally, 34.8 million tons of hazardous waste were generated in 2019, which is a slight decrease from 2017. Collected via EPA Form 8700-13 or state equivalents, BR data include waste generation and management information from large quantity generators and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities. The filings are submitted by March 1 of each even-numbered year and are based on data from the previous odd-numbered year. EPA is investigating the feasibility of incorporating BR data into the e-manifest system to streamline waste management reporting.


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