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McCoy's RCRA Review

January 2025

Technical corrections take 2

In 2023, EPA promulgated a direct final rule addressing numerous technical corrections to the RCRA regulations. However, the corrections impacting the generator improvements rule, hazardous waste pharmaceuticals rule, and definition of solid waste rule received a series of negative comments, prompting the agency to return to the drawing board. In December 2024, EPA finalized an updated rule in response to the comments, allowing minor, non-substantive changes to take effect.   READ MORE  


Stuck in a CAA web?

Feeling stuck? There’s a good chance you’re caught in a web of Clean Air Act regulations! We’ve seen this before, and we understand it can be…a sticky situation. But rest assured, our April 1-3, 2025, .VIRTUAL CAA seminar is here to get you, well…unstuck. Join us and we’ll untangle the complexities, so you can finally break free and get back on track!

CAA agenda
Next CAA coming up in August




New year, new pubs!

Hit the ground running in the new year with McCoy’s new and freshly printed 2025 RCRA Unraveled and RCRA Reference publications. Consider RCRA Unraveled your personal regs interpreter, and RCRA Reference your ultimate CFR guide. Buy them together for $295 and you’ve got the perfect RCRA compliance set to start the year off right!

Want digital copies instead? Look no further than the McCoy Sherpa—this high-powered search engine not only has PDF versions of the books but includes tons of additional RCRA content all conveniently linked together.

2025 pubs price list



On May 8, 2024, EPA finalized a rule further strengthening the TSCA regulation of methylene chloride (dichloromethane, DCM) under Part 751. [89 HR 39254] The first prohibitions of DCM use take effect May 5, 2025, and to support facilities in complying with the new requirements, the agency published a guide to the 2024 DCM rule in November 2024. While many uses of DCM will become prohibited over the next five years, 13 specific uses will still be allowed, provided impacted facilities establish a workplace chemical protection program (WCPP). The WCPP must document occupational exposure limits, monitoring requirements, an exposure control plan, regulated areas, personal protective equipment use, training, and more. WCPP compliance deadlines differ between federal agencies and the rest of the regulated community.




Toyota’s EV conversion

Toyota, an established automotive leader and favorite brand with American drivers, has faced criticism over recent years for their lack of commitment to producing electric vehicles (EVs). As a response, Toyota is taking a different approach to EVs. Rather than building brand new electric vehicles from scratch, they plan on converting older cars into eco-friendly models, with the mission of leaving no car lover behind.


Still time for February RCRA 

McCoy’s February .VIRTUAL seminars are approaching quickly, but it’s not too late to get in on the action! To receive your course materials before class starts, make sure you provide a valid shipping address when registering. That way, you’ll have everything you need delivered directly to you before the seminar begins. Register for the 5-Day course, February 3-7, 2025, or if you’re looking for a Refresher, take the 2-Day course, February 19-20, 2025.  

5-Day RCRA agenda
2-Day RCRA agenda
Full seminar schedule


PFAS under pressure

Over the past year, legislation has ramped up, putting more pressure on "forever chemicals," with at least eleven states passing laws to restrict PFAS in everyday products from cosmetics to cookware. As health concerns over these chemicals grow, lawmakers are pushing companies to find safer alternatives...but unfortunately—it’s not so easy.






Virginia Beach in-person!

Dive into RCRA compliance at our next in-person seminar in Virginia Beach this March 10-14, 2025. Get hands-on assistance from the presenters, network with other attendees, and get up to speed on regulatory updates. And as a bonus, the hotel is right on the beach, making this a great opportunity to blend training with relaxation during your stay. Register and book your room at the Hilton Virginia Beach Oceanfront today!

After Virginia Beach, our next in-person RCRA seminar takes place in Denver, June 9-13, 2025


Haz waste rules fall into place

The Fall 2024 regulatory agenda is now available. EPA is keeping per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in its sights for regulation as RCRA hazardous constituents and CERCLA hazardous substances. The agency is also reviewing potential universal waste regulations for lithium batteries and solar panels, and a new open burning/open detonation rule is on the horizon.   READ MORE  


Crisp fall air agenda

The Fall 2024 regulatory agenda is now available and EPA is planning reviews, revisions, and amendments to scores of CAA stationary source regulations. A critical aspect of the CAA is the periodic review of source category standards. While much of what is on the agenda is the typical review, some items result from lawsuits and court orders.   READ MORE  


SQG renotification assistance

Per the 2016 generator improvements rule (GIR), SQGs must renotify EPA or their authorized state by September 1, 2021, and every four years thereafter, using EPA Form 8700-12 or state equivalent. The next renotification is due by September 1, 2025, and to prepare these generators, EPA published outreach materials for both SQGs and their TSDF vendors. This renotification requirement is currently effective in authorized states that have adopted the GIR, non-authorized states (Iowa and Alaska), Indian Country, and most U.S. territories. To see if your facility must renotify, refer to EPA’s map of where the GIR is in effect.




What are flower turbines?  

Sometimes referred to as oversized tulip gardens—flower turbines fuse art and science together, creating a new aerodynamic turbine that not only produces the same amount of power as a traditional turbine but does it more quietly, over less space, and with an improved bird-friendly design. Their mission? Make wind energy accessible, beautiful, and safer for all.


Rubber hits the road

A rubber tire manufacturing NESHAP final rule took effect on November 29, 2024. [89 FR 94886] EPA’s rule updated Part 63, Subpart XXXX by setting new standards for the previously unregulated rubber processing subcategory. Emission limits have been set for total hydrocarbons (THC), which act as a surrogate for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and all organic HAPs, and for filterable particulate matter (fPM), which act as a surrogate for metal HAPs. Continuous emission monitoring for THC and baghouse system parameter monitoring associated with fPM are also required. Facilities must also demonstrate initial compliance with the amendments through emissions testing, with subsequent compliance testing to be performed every five years.




Keeping up with Cali RCRA 

California’s hazardous waste laws, which were already some of the most stringent in the nation, have become even more complex with the implementation of the Generator Improvements Rule (GIR) on July 1, 2024.

That's your sign to join us for our 4-day California Title 22-RCRA .VIRTUAL seminar being held April 14–17, 2025, where we’ll simplify the rules, dive into the GIR, and highlight key differences between federal and California RCRA regulations.

4-Day agenda


Toughening NOx limits for turbine NSPS

On December 13, 2024, EPA proposed amendments to the new source performance standards for stationary combustion and gas turbines. [89 FR 101306] The rule aims to lower the emissions of nitrogen oxides by establishing combustion controls in conjunction with post-combustion selective catalytic reduction. A new Part 60, Subpart KKKKa would have emission limits that vary based on newly established size-based subcategories. The agency did not propose changes to the sulfur dioxide limits. Comments may be submitted until March 13, 2025 via Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2024-0419.


2025 Seminars

3-Day CAA Seminars
.VIRTUAL: January 14–16, 2025
.VIRTUAL: April 1–3, 2025
.VIRTUAL: August 5–7, 2025
.VIRTUAL: October 21–23, 2025

5-Day RCRA Seminars
.VIRTUAL: February 3–7, 2025
Virginia Beach: March 10–14, 2025
.VIRTUAL: May 5–9, 2025
Denver: June 9–13, 2025
.VIRTUAL: July 21–25, 2025
Lake Tahoe: August 18–22, 2025
.VIRTUAL: September 15–19, 2025
.VIRTUAL: November 3–7, 2025
Las Vegas: December 8–12, 2025

2-Day RCRA Refreshers
.VIRTUAL: February 19–20, 2025
.VIRTUAL: June 24–25, 2025
Houston: November 18–19, 2025

Visit to register or call us at 303-526-2674.


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Copyright ©2025 McCoy and Associates, Inc. 12596 West Bayaud Avenue, Suite 210 Lakewood, CO 80228

McCoy and Associates, Inc. makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee in connection with any guidance provided in RCRA Review. McCoy and Associates, Inc. expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from its use or for the violation of any federal, state, or municipal law or regulation with which such guidance may conflict. Any guidance in RCRA Review is general in nature related to the federal RCRA regulations. Persons evaluating specific circumstances dealing with RCRA regulations should review state and local laws and regulations, which may be more stringent than federal requirements. In addition, the assistance of a qualified professional should be enlisted to address any site-specific circumstances.

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